Sabbatical prep in four lists: from Popup camping to Thailand

As with anything, preparation is key, and preparing for sabbatical is serious business. We will be on the road for much of the first six months, camping and/or visiting friends and family all around the country. And then we will leave the U.S. for six months to live in Thailand. Check out our itinerary as … More Sabbatical prep in four lists: from Popup camping to Thailand

Sabbatical Test Drive: 5 Small steps to get you (and your wallet) ready for an adventure of your own!

Taking a year off is going to be life changing, and at some point we both realized that we needed to do more than save money and make lists to prepare for it.  We needed to PRACTICE for our sabbatical, our Found Year. What does that mean exactly?  Well, it started with a realization that … More Sabbatical Test Drive: 5 Small steps to get you (and your wallet) ready for an adventure of your own!

The joy you emit returns to you, so let your light shine!

Until recently, our plans for sabbatical were not widely known.  We had told our families and some friends, but it was all really hush hush until we were fully committed and ready to tell our employers. I didn’t realize how much that was weighing on me until we finally announced our plans to the world … More The joy you emit returns to you, so let your light shine!

Sabbatical essential: Meet the Freedom Machine, our home away from home

A few weeks ago, we fully committed to our sabbatical in yet another tangible way.  We bought a used popup camper.  After doing the math, we figured out it would be cheaper to invest in this little beauty rather than in hotel stays as we spend six months traveling around to the National Parks (Sabbatical … More Sabbatical essential: Meet the Freedom Machine, our home away from home

Sabbatical Lessons: 8 Excuses that Became Inspiration to Say Yes to a Year Off!

For years, my husband and I have said “someday we’ll live abroad” and “someday we’ll get really healthy” and “someday we’ll take a cooking class together” and “someday we’ll visit every National Park.”  Well, one day we realized that someday may never come, so we better change our mantra to “Today we will…” Once we … More Sabbatical Lessons: 8 Excuses that Became Inspiration to Say Yes to a Year Off!